San Miguel Wellness Retreat
Freeing Body-Mind-Spirit-Soul

PUSH Therapy

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PUSH is truly an exciting breakthrough on the cutting edge of preventative  and restorative health care.   It seems to work particularly well on people who have tried other treatments, be they alternative or medical, that didn't get to the source of the problem.

  There are many great therapeutic techniques that are effective at releasing tension in tissue.  The client feels great until they go back to work and do the life processes that created the original symptoms.  Work, sitting, standing, walking, yard work, housework, or daily stresses are all common factors that create or recreate repetitive tension patterns.  Predictably, the tension release does not last and the symptoms return.  It's not life's activities that create this tension.  It's how we use the muscles and how our muscles are trained to react to the stresses of life that create the repetitive tension. It doesn't matter whether you're an office worker, gardener, construction worker or athlete.  Most people have no idea that they are "training into tension" under the guise of "getting fit"


Chronic Passive Tension is chronic tension in muscles and tissue 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This tension develops from repetitive overuse, misuse, or overall muscle weakness.  Once the muscle begins to tighten, the capillaries become constricted and blood flow is reduced to the area.  Blood supplies oxygen to tissue and tissue needs oxygen to maintain a healthy supple state.  Once muscles develop CPT patterns the muscle tone changes.  Once the muscle tone is affected enough, stretching, skeletal adjustments, and occasional massages will not help.  This tissue needs oxygen and the muscle tone needs to change.     THIS IS WHAT PUSH WAS DESIGNED TO DO!


1)TENSION-RELEASE TREATMENT- the starting point for achieving long-term relief for chronic tension/pain.  Treatments are the first tool used to start releasing rigid, sensitive, tissue and restore it to a supple state.  Pain and tension patterns are reduced or eliminated.

2)TENSION RELEASE TRAINING- Unique, precise positions and movements that begin to develop a supple and strong core and teach you how to release your own tension. This progressive training helps develop endurance and is the gateway to PUSH STRENGTH TRAINING.

3)PUSH MOBILITY TRAINING- The key to finding the source of chronic tension or pain and finally eliminate your life-long deeply ingrained patterns of tension building.

4)PUSH SELF TREATMENT-You as the client will learn how to self treat your own body, if needed, on areas that are stubborn or taking longer to release.

5)PUSH STRENGTH TRAINING- Only when your muscles have released enough tension, you become ready for this step.  This phase strengthens the muscles that support the core of the body without creating new negative tension patterns.  

 If other therapies are not doing it for you, you owe it to yourself to experience PUSH Therapy.  If your physical therapist discharged you, but you still have tightness and/or pain, try PUSH Therapy.  Even if you're feeling no pain it does not mean you have no holding patterns or tension.  Everyone has some holding patterns.  The wise person learns how to release these and learn these methods now so that you become more mobile every year instead of less mobile! Take yourself to a deeper level. Try something different. Try PUSH Therapy!


Copyright 2022 Takatsuno Therapies, Inc.  All rights reserved.  PUSH, PUSH Therapy, PUSH Trainings, the PUSH Logo, Tension Release Training, PUSH Mobility Training, PUSH Strength Training and Soft Pressure Stimulation are service marks of Takatsuno Therapies, Inc.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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